Archive Mode. Call SLCC 2024 Student Art Show ended on 3/12/24, 11:59 PM. Call settings are read only. See Current Open Calls


Fundevogel, Printmaking
A Linocut Print on Masa paper depicting a scene from the Grimms fairy tale "Fundevogel". The fairytale tells the story of a Boy and a Girl who fall in love, only for the cook of their household to decide she wants to boil the boy alive. So the young couple run away to the forest where in order to evade capture by the cooks goons they turn themselves first into a rosebush and a rose, then a church and a chandelier, and then a pond and a duck, avoiding detection each time. Finally the cook decides to do the job herself, she marches down to the pond and when she arrives at the waters edge the duck grabs her in its beak and drags her under the water where the story abruptly ends.

Printmaking    12 x 9    $100.00   

Artist Statement
My name is Robert Scowcroft. I am a graphic designer and illustrator from Salt Lake City, Utah.
My work draws influence from underground comics, cult movies, cartoons, music, skateboarding, and graffiti.
SLCC Enrollment School
SLCC Student